Alright so my freshman year was pretty crazy and I switched schools three times. After we moved to Keauhou, life changed a lot. I finished up the school year in Kealakehe High school, and it was seriously a great experience. I love it in Kona. I'm still getting adapted to the life here. And I'm also trying to get more involved in the communities as well. But other than that it's been awesome. Our new house is great. It's right next to the ocean so I've been in the water almost every day. My freediving hobby is getting crazy also. I can now dive about 60 feet. Even though I can dive this deep, it's always important to be safe, I've heard many stories of freedivers dying because they go too deep and can't make it up in time. I'm still trying to learn to respect the ocean. It's beautiful yet deadly. My life is very important to me and I'm discovering this more and more as I grow through life. I admit that I haven't been too safe in the ocean a few times. But these moments which turn to scoldings, are actually very humbling. So yes, life has been great. I also just turned 15 so that feels very nice! Now that my life is based in Keauhou now. I don't know what to do with this websiite.
Well I haven't posted for a while, so I figures I should : )
I switched from Kohala High to Homeschool. At that time I thought that we were pretty much moving to California. Now it's very different, my parents haven't made a decision yet, and are even considering Texas or Kona, or even staying here. I like all of those options and I think I'll adapt to anything, and I'll find the happiness wherever I go, but It's hard being in a position in life where you don't know what type of decision your family is gonna make. Especially if it's one of the biggest decisions we might ever make. If we happen to move, I'm sure gonna miss this place. Kohala really romances your soul and makes you want to stay. I don't know if it's like that for the people who've lived here a long time, but for me that's very true. I've grown so much here, and I've made many friends. I've never really connected on a deep, strong level with anyone here. Except people way older than me. When I realized that we were moving, It made me appreciate and value the people that I've made friendships with. I see so much potential now in lots of these people. They could become my really good friends. Anyways I know that if we move, I'll come back to Kohala. I don't know when, I don't know how long I'll stay, but I know that part of my heart will forever be here. These last few months have been a big change in my life. I turned fourteen, I started high school, and I grew a lot in my personality, and spirit. Being in high school has made me realize that there are a lot of people in this world that do a lot of bad things, and being able to become friends with them is great "people skills". Sometimes it's hard, because I feel like I'm so different, but at the same time being different is a really good thing. Heck, everyone's different in their own way. You just gotta find the good in it.
Its good to be back to editing my site. Hopefully people are actually reading these blogs. I'll just express what's on my mind right now. The mainland was AWESOME. It felt like a dream, it actually took me three or four days to adjust. I missed the people from my community, and I missed Kohala. Being there made me respect and enjoy life more. I'm not bragging, but I've definitely grown in wisdom, and in my relationship with God. California was CRAZY! The biggest road I've ever seen for like two years! I was honestly super nervous driving in that car going 75 miles per hour on the freeway. I'm super glad that I came with my Dad, otherwise I would probably be dead. Not really, but that's probably how I would feel without him. By Myself.
Anyways, we did a lot of amazing things, mostly seeing friends and family, and enjoying the wonders of our old home. My Dad and I went to Chico to see my Grandpa and went diving in the FREEZING cold creek. Everyone else there was only wearing like board shorts and swim suits, while we were wearing like full wetsuits on top of wetsuits. My Dad and I went to Redding(Our old City) and saw a lot of our really good friends. We went to our old church Bethel as well and just got rocked by the spirit of God. Though at our church we did not see anybody that we knew. Bethel has gotten so big over the last few years, but that's ok. We enjoyed it a lot. Other than that, I got to go to school there for my friends last day, and hang out and talk story and stuff. It was such a blessing. I even got to watch their eighth grade graduation ceremony. Which was a real honor, seeing my friends so grown up and so responsible. Now I'm talking like a parent but seriously, that was probably the best part. If you think about it I'm grown up(Not all the way) and responsible also. :) What's your Dream? What's your Goal? Think about that for a minute. Church service today was amazing, we had a guest speaker today, Jacob Stewart, and he gave us some really good knowledge. One of the things he talked about was having dreams. What your dream Huh? Many people have dreams that are broken because they think because of their past they can't overcome the things that they need to break down to come to their dreams. It's so true. I think everyone has that crazy "impossible" dream that they think is impossible to come to. It's NOT impossible with God.
Our Father, Our Daddy, Our Papa God. He will always make our dreams come true if we choose to follow him and do what the Lord would do to get to those goals. It's so true. I encourage whoever is reading this to go watch some sermon fro Bethel Church, or Solid Rock North Church, or The Hub Church in Kona, and just meditate on those nuggets that you hear. It'll grow your wisdom like crazy. It's exactly nine days till I leave to California with my Dad. I'll stay there in Cal for 10 days. Hopefully I get to see all my friends, but I don't want to push my trip into a full-on schedule. I don't want to be stressed out, if you know what I mean. When I get there my Aunt blessed us with a car to use. I'm pretty sure we're getting in late, and we'll start driving right away. From there I have no idea what we're going to do. I just know that I'll come back heavier than I was from eating at all those good restaurants.
It was about 5:30 in the afternoon. I was extremely tired from a days work of watching movies. So I chose to do something kind of crazy. You could even call it stupid. I hopped on my bike and went from my house, to the top of Hawi hill. Ya, maybe it's not that much for you professional bikers out there, but I almost died, OK. Not literally, but I didn't have any water, and didn't walk my bike once. I only took about five little breaks, and completed my journey to the top at around 6;10. I think that people should do stuff like that. Just to feel accomplished, and so they can tell the story to their kids.